Category Archives: Politics

PM’s LoveIsland retreat results in shocking double breakup; Is Brexit coming home?

With Brexit feeling it was being put into the shade by national going’s on elsewhere, the resignations of David Davis and Boris Johnson ensured the long running drama that is Brexit has re-appeared with a bang.

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Lov-Exit: When the worlds of Love Island and Brexit collide

In a week that has seen political heavyweights act like children, it was left to the contestants of Love Island to make the big political impact of the week… Face Palms at the ready.
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What would a millennial do with £10,000?

If you’re under the age of 25, you may have been led to think you’ll be receiving a gift £10,000 soon.

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Take Two: Putin condemns US, UK & France’s attack on Syria

Articulate takes two separate looks at the events that have unfolded in Syria this weekend, in an effort to show how the way a story is told can provide the reader a very different perception of what has happened. You can find the alternative text here.

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Take Two: Allies combine to strike chemical weapons facilities

Articulate takes two separate looks at the events that have unfolded in Syria this weekend, in an effort to show how the way a story is told can provide the reader a very different perception of what has happened. You can find the alternative text here.

Continue reading Take Two: Allies combine to strike chemical weapons facilities